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Gendius awarded a share of £200,000 through Health Innovation Manchester Momentum Fund

30 June 2020

Gendius awarded a share of £200,000 through Health Innovation Manchester Momentum Fund

Gendius is one of four digital healthcare projects supporting the COVID-19 response awarded a share of £200,000 through Health Innovation Manchester Momentum Fund.

Artificial Intelligence to support patients to manage their diabetes, a Clinical Decision Platform to help with earlier discharges from the Emergency Department and an online system to match clinician availability to patient needs in real-time were among four winners set to receive a share of £200,000 to improve health and care in Greater Manchester.

The Momentum Fund was established to support the introduction and adoption of needs-led, evidence-based innovations into the healthcare system within Greater Manchester.

This year, the fund sought innovations focussed on two themes – Urgent and Emergency Care and Cardiovascular disease, diabetes, nutrition or obesity (Cardiometabolic needs). Projects applied for up to £75,000 to help accelerate their innovations.

The four projects to receive funding will all support the response to COVID-19 by supporting people with long-term conditions, matching clinicians to patient need, reducing readmissions to hospital or optimising patient pathways and improving efficiency in emergency care.

Health Innovation Manchester, the organisation responsible for accelerating proven innovation into Greater Manchester’s health and social care services, selected the winners of the Momentum Fund with the help of a panel of representatives from patients and partners.

Through the fund, Health Innovation Manchester aims to improve the health of our citizens and promote economic development and wealth creation through the growth of local businesses and jobs.

Dr Richard Deed, Associate Director for Industry at Health Innovation Manchester, said:  “This year we received more high-quality applications than ever before for our Momentum funding call. We began the process before the current COVID-19 pandemic began, but we have been impressed by how these innovative digital tools will be able to support the response to the crisis by keeping people healthy at home to reduce hospital admissions or improving care pathways within emergency care.  We look forward to working with them during this challenging period to support the system, improve the health and wellbeing of our citizens and boost the local economy.”

Dr Paula Bennett, Associate Director of Clinical Development and Utilisation Management (UM) Unit, was part of the team assessing the Momentum fund applications.  Dr Bennett said: “Supporting urgent and emergency care and the wider health and care system has never been more important than the during the current pandemic. These projects and innovations can undoubtedly support urgent and emergency care by ensuring people can get the right care at the right time and in the right place, including delivering care in the home or as close to home as possible.”

Nick Filer, a member of the Health Innovation Manchester Public and Communities Involvement and Engagement Panel, also supported the assessment process including reviewing the shortlisted projects and providing their views on how much each innovation could help patients and members of the public. “It is a real honour to be chosen to represent millions of people in Greater Manchester and a great responsibility. The excitement of seeing a range of innovative ideas most of which I would not have consciously considered without involvement in processes such as the Momentum fund is special.  Members of the public bring a different non-professional viewpoint to decisions about new health care projects. We patients will be the end users/customers of the funded proposals and can bring our lived experiences and community background to the table. I really did feel that my views and those of patients who I was representing alongside were sufficiently and fairly considered as part of the process.”