31 July 2012
Catapult secures a successful exit from Blackstar Amplification through secondary sale of its stake to Foresight Group
Catapult is delighted to announce the successful exit from another of its investee companies. Catapult made its initial investment in Blackstar Amplification in May 2007 during the company’s pre-revenue phase, recognising the market opportunity and the capability of the...

22 June 2012
Top of the Spotters - Cyclops Speedwatch wins Auto Express Recommended Award
Speedwatch, our real-time speed camera alert app, has won the 2012 Auto Express Speed Camera Locator Group Test "Recommended" award - for the second year in a row. The Auto Express car product experts liked the audio-visual and voice based camera warnings, clear display...

22 June 2012
Accutronics Wins Small Business of the Year Award
We are pleased to congratulate our portfolio company Accutronics on winning the Small Business of the Year Award in a regional competition organised by the British Business Awards Association. This prestigious award recognises Accutronics’ exceptional performance in areas...

26 October 2011
Hangar Seven Takes Off With Catapult Investment
Creative production agency, Hangar Seven, supports the marketing needs of well known retailers and consumer brands, delivering services including photography, publications and advertising production. Established by a team of highly experienced media professionals just over two...

5 July 2011
Catapult Deliver Knockout Investment Into Kick Sport
Kick Sport - a leading martial arts retailer - has secured an £850k investment from the Catapult Growth Fund to accelerate the company’s plans for developing both the UK and key overseas markets. The martial arts retail sector is still a relatively undeveloped market...

1 July 2011
Catapult Mops Up With Investment Into ACS
ACS Building & Maintenance Limited (“ACS”), the Coventry based specialist building repair and maintenance company, has received a committed equity investment of £1.7m from the Catapult Growth Fund (“CGF”), becoming its sixth transaction of 2011.

23 May 2011
Lumora Attracts Second Stage Funding
Catapult Venture Managers has led a £1.5 million funding round into innovative molecular diagnostic company Lumora Ltd. The capital injection will be primarily used to accelerate Cambridgeshire-based Lumora’s entry into the clinical molecular diagnostic market, which...

9 March 2011
Catapult and Mercia Invest into 'Cutting Edge' Intelligent Orthopaedics
Catapult Venture Managers and Mercia Fund Management (Mercia) have made an investment of £600k into a Staffordshire-based company whose products retail globally and are at the cutting-edge of repairing broken bones. Already a significant investor, the Mercia Fund has...

16 February 2011
Monica Healthcare gains FDA clearance for groundbreaking wireless fetal monitor
Monica Healthcare (based in the UK), has announced that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have granted regulatory clearance of their Monica AN24 wireless fetal monitor for use during Labour and Delivery. This FDA clearance enables Monica technology to be utilised for...

13 October 2010
The Co-Operative and Catapult Finance MBO of World Leading Oxford Cryosystems
The Birmingham office of Catapult Venture Managers, together with The Co-operative Bank, have jointly funded the management buy-out (MBO) of global market leader Oxford Cryosystems Ltd. The MBO of Cryosystems - from its UK owners for an undisclosed sum - was funded through a...